(Refer to general rules)
Exhibits accepted on Saturday & Sunday 12 to 5pm
Exhibitors must stay until all items are checked in.
1. One gal. clear jars with lids are to be used to show grain in classes 11 thru 31, unless noted.
2. If the fair management believes any of the exhibits were shown in previous years, those entries may be refused.
3. If under other, please list category & description.
SECTION 1 Grain and Seed Crops
$4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50
Corn 6 ears hybrid
01 Field Corn Yellow
02 Field Corn White
Open Pollinated – 6 Ears
03 Field corn yellow 04 Field corn white
05 Field Corn red 06 Indian Corn
07 Finger Corn 08 Popcorn, yellow
09Popcorn, white 10Popcorn strawberry
11 Any other
Corn – 3 Stalks (with roots) 12 Field
13 Silage $3 $2.50 $2 $1.50
14 - Sunflowers, Mammoth – 1 stalk, single head, cut off at ground level
15 Clintland 64 or Clintford 16 Garry
17 Russell 18 Orbit 19 Any Other
Wheat 20 Pennroll
21 Red Coat 22 Any Other
Winter Barley 23 Pennrad
24 Wong 25 Any Other
Buckwheat $1.40 $1.30 $1.20 $1.10
26 Japanese or Silverhull 27 Pennquad
28 Alfalfa Seed 29 Red Clover Seed
30 Rye 31 Soybeans
32 Sunflower Seed – 1 qt.
33 Timothy Seed 34 Any Other
1. Long hay only. An exhibit shall consist of a bale section at least 8" thick or an equivalent amount if cut from hay in the mow.
2. Exhibit must be in clear plastic bag.
$4.50 $3.50 $2.50
01 - Alfalfa or alfalfa grass mixed, first cutting, Not over 50% of grasses.
02 - Alfalfa or alfalfa grass mixed, later cuttings, Not over 50% of grasses.
03 - Other legumes or legume grass mixtures. Not over 50% of grasses.
04 - Grass first cutting. Mixtures of timothy and/or other grasses and containing not more than 10% legumes.
05 - Grass, second cutting. Mixtures of timothy and/or other grasses and containing not more than 10% legumes.
06 - Mixed hay – any mixture not classified in the previous classes but which contains 50% or more singly or in combination of alfalfa, timothy, clover and grasses
07 - Grand Champion Hay Exhibit Ribbon or Rosette
SECTION 3 Silage
1. Silage crop must be named. Exhibits shall consist of ten pounds. (Large size plastic bags are excellent containers for transporting or showing samples.)
$4.50 $3.50 $2.50
01 - Perennial crops – direct cut, with or without preservatives
02 - Perennial crops – wilted or low moisture, with or without preservatives
03 - Annuals other than corn – direct cut, with or without preservatives
04 - Annuals other than corn – wilted or low moisture, with or without preservatives
05 - Corn Silage
Exhibits accepted on Saturday & Sunday 12 to 5 pm. Items cannot be picked up until 9:30 pm on Saturday, August 3. Exhibitors must stay until all items are checked in.
Winners may turn in placement stickers for ribbons at fair office.
1. In selecting vegetables for exhibition, choose such specimens that would bring the highest market price. Select medium size specimen. If possible, do not mix varieties.
2. The following factors are generally used by an expert vegetable judge:
a. Trueness to variety type. If at all possible, pick the specimen from 1 variety.
b. Uniformity in shape, size & color.
c. Be sure to pick out a perfect specimen, then select the others as similar to it as possible. Never mix specimens of different maturity.
d. Protect from dirt, disease, infection and mechanical damage. Select specimens that are perfect & show no blemishes.
e. Condition and maturity. Be sure that exhibits are of high quality.
f. Potatoes should not be washed. Remove soil using a soft cloth or brush.
g. Tomatoes should have stems removed. Carrots, beets, etc. should have tops (leaves) removed from vegetables leaving about (2) two inches of stems.
3. Read premium materials, carefully following all rules and regulations. If an entry calls for 5 specimens, be sure to exhibit that number; do not enter 4 or6x. In any instance, your exhibits will be disqualified if the correct number of specimens is not entered.
4. If under other, please list category and description.
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50
01 Broccoli – 1 large head, no leaves
02Brussel sprouts 1 pint 03 Eggplant #1
04 Horseradish – 3 roots (1” min. dia.)
05 Kale–1 plant in soil
06 Kohlrabi #1 07 Okra #5
08 Parsnips – 5 specimens, tops off
09 Turnips – 5 specimens
Beans – Dry Shelled (1 Pint)
10 Edible Soybeans 11 Horticultural
12 Kidney 13 Lima 14 Marrowfat
15 Pea or Navy 16 Black Eye Peas
17 Other
Beans – Green Shelled (1 pint)
18 Edible Soybean 19 Horticultural
20 Lg Seeded Limas
21 Sm Seeded Limas 22 Other
Beans – Horticultural (1 pint)
23 Bush Types 24 Pole types
Beans – Limas
25 Large Seeded 26 Pole Limas
27 Small Seeded 28 Other
Beans – Snap, Bush types (1 pint)
29 Flat green pods 30 Flax wax pods
31 Round green pods
32 Round wax pods 33 Other
Beans- Snap, pole types #12
34Flat green pods 35Round green pods
36 Round yellow pods
37 Flat yellow pods 38 Other
Beets – 5 specimens, topped
39 Globe shaped 40 Half long
41 Long Lutz types 42 Mangles
43 Yellow 44 Other
Cabbage – 1 head
45 Chinese types 46 Early pointed
47 Domestic round 48 Flat types
49 Red type 50 Savoy type 51 Other
Carrots – 5 roots, topped
52 Half long-pointed
53 Half long-stump rooted 54 Long 55 Other
Cauliflower – 1 head
56 Purple types 57 White types
58 Cheddar 59 Other
Celery–1 plant in soil-Fordhook Pascal
60 Green types 61 Yellow types
Sweet Corn – 6 ears
62 White hybrids 63 Yellow hybrids
64 Bi-Color 65 Other types
66 Pickling (under 3”) 10 specimens
67 Pickles (3” to 5”) 5 specimens
68 Slicing (over 5”) #5 69 Other
Endive – 1 plant in soil
70 Broad Leaved 71 Green curled
Lettuce – 1 plant in soil
72 Butter head type 73 Crisp head type
74 Leaf types 75 Other
Muskmelons (Cantaloupes) – #1
76 Large 6” or more 77 Small types
78 Honeydew 79 Other
Onions (bulbing) – 4 specimens
80 Bottle 81 Red flat 82 Red globe 83 Shallots 84 Sweet Spanish type 85 White Flat 86 White globe 87 Yellow flat 88 Yellow globe 89 Green bunching 90 Other
Onions sets 1 pint, mature for storage
91 Multiplier 92 Red 93 White
94 Yellow sets 95 Other
Parsley – 5 bunches in water
96 Curled type 97 Plain type
Peas – 1 pint
98 Green shelled 99 Pods 100 Other
Peppers – Hot #5 101 Cayenne 102 Chili 103 Chinese Capsicum 104 Habanero 105 Hungarian Wax 106 Jalapeno 107 Thai 108 Other
Peppers – Pimento, 5 specimens
109 Green 110 Red 111 Other
Peppers, Sweet-Bell or Bullnose shape #5 112 Green 113 Red
114 Yellow 115 Other
Pepper – Sweet-thin fleshed, #5
116 Green 117 Red 118 Yellow
Potatoes–5 tubers 119 Red Pontiac 120 Irish Cobble 121 Katahdin 122 Kennebec 123 Norland 124 Russet – Rural 125 Yukon Gold 126 Superior 127 Fingerlings 128 Blue Potatoes 129 Any others
Pumpkins 1 specimen
130 Connecticut-field
131Small sugar-pie
132 Winter neck-Crushaw
133 Largest field pumpkin – specify wt
134 Mini Jack B Little 135 Other
Radishes (Summer) 5 specimens
136 Small round 137 White Icicle
138 Other
Radishes (Winter) – 5 specimens
139 Black 140 White 141 Other
142 Any Variety–5 stalks tied together
143 Any variety–5 specimens, topped
Squash (Summer types) 1 specimen
144 Bush Scallop, Patty Pan
145 Cocozelle 146 Crookneck
147 Straightneck 148 Zucchini
149 Spaghetti 150 Papaya
151 Other
Squash (Winter types) # 1 large
152 Acorn – Table Queen
153 Boston Marrow or Delicious
154 Buttercup 155 Butternut
156 Hubbard 157Mammoth sweet type
158 Largest squash #1 specify wt
159 Swiss Chard–Any–1 stalk in soil
160 Other
Sweet Potatoes, #5 161 Any Type
Tomatoes – Large fruited, 5 specimens
162 Italian-Roma 163 Red 164 Yellow 165 Heirloom 166 Green 167 Other
Tomatoes-Small fruited (Red or yellow)
168 Cherry – 10 specimens or 5 clusters
169 Pear Shaped 10 specimens
170 Plum Shaped 10 specimens
171 Other
Yams, 5 specimens 172 Any Type
Home Garden Basket - 173 10 or more kinds of vegs not less than 3 specimens of each kind $12 $10 $8 $6 $4
Market Basket - 174-5 or more kind of vegs $8 $6 $5 $4 $3
Gourds - 175 Mixed - 5 specimens
$5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00
176 One variety – 5 specimens
177 Collection – 6 or more kinds
Herbs – 2 bunches in water
178 Dill $3 $2.50 $2 $1.50 $1
179 Mint 180 Basil 181 Chives
182 Rosemary 183 Savory 184 Thyme
185 Catnip 186 Fennel 187 Marjoram
188 Oregano 189 Sage 190 Tarragon
191 Garlic – Soft Neck
192 Garlic – Hard Neck 193 Any other
Best of Show
194 Best Vegetable Overall Rosette
SECTION 2 Community Gardens
These classes are for participants in the Community Garden project that is sponsored by the Fulton County Food Basket. In order to enter, you must have been entered in the Food Basket Garden Program prior to April 1.
1. Same rules apply for these classes as for open class vegetables. See rules listed under Department 13 of the premium book.
01 Broccoli – 1 large head, no leaves $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00
02 Cantaloupes – 1 specimen
03 Strawberries (1 pint)
Beans (1 pint)
04 Horticultural
05 Kidney
06 Lima
07 Snap
Beets 5 specimen topped
08 Globe Shaped
Cabbage – 1 head
09 Early pointed
10 Domestic Round
11 Flat types
12 Red types
Corn – Sweet, 5 ears husked
13 White Hybrids
14 Yellow Hybrids
15 Other
Herbs – 2 bunches in water
16 Basil
17 Cilantro
18 Oregano
Onions (bulbs) 5 specimens
19 Bottle
20 White Flat
21 White
22 Yellow Globe
23 Yellow Flat
Peppers - Sweet-Bell
24 Green
25 Red
26 Yellow
Tomatoes (red or yellow) 5 specimens
27 Italian
28 Red
29 Yellow
30 Heirloom
Squash 1 specimen
31 Bush Scallop, Patty Pan
32 Crookneck
33 Straight neck
34 Zucchini
35 Spaghetti
Sunflowers – 3 blooms
36 Miniature
37 Any other sunflower
Watermelons – 1 specimen
38 Oblong in shape
39 Round or oval shapes
Market Basket
40 Market Basket – 5 or more kinds of vegetables attractively displayed in a single container.
41 Vegetable Freaks
(Refer to general rules)
Exhibits accepted on Saturday & Sunday 12 to 5pm
1. In selecting fruit for exhibition, choose specimens that would bring the highest market price. Do not select the largest. Select medium size. In plate displays, select five specimens as nearly alike as possible.
2. This scoring is to be used as a basis for the judging of all exhibits.
Exterior Quality
Size (total weight) 16 points
Uniformity of Color 12 points
Uniformity of Shape 12 points
Shell Texture 12 points
Condition 12 points
Interior Quality 36 points
Total 100 points
SECTION 1 Fruits
01 Plate of 5 Cortland apples $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.00
02 Plate of 5 Delicious apples
03 Plate of 5 Golden Delicious apples
04 Plate of 5 Grimes Golden apples
05 Plate of 5 Jonathan apples
06 Plate of 5 McIntosh apples
07 Plate of 5 Rome apples
08 Plate of 5 Stayman apples
09 Plate of 5 Lodi apples
10 Plate of 5 Summer Rambo apples
11 Plate of 5 York apples
12 Plate of 5 Smoke House apples
13 Plate of 5 Spartan apples
14 Plate of 5 other variety except red
15 Plate of 5 other red variety
16 Plate of 5 Crabapples – all varieties
17 Plate of 5 Jersey Queen peaches
18 Plate of 5 Alberta peaches
19 Plate of 5 J.H. Hale peaches
20 Plate of 5 Red Haven peaches
21 Plate of 5 Sunhill peaches
22 Plate of 5 Blake peaches
23 Plate of 5 Loring peach
24 Plate of 5 Richaven peaches
25 Plate of 5 Slappy peach
26 Plate of 5 Madison peach
27 Plate of 5 Southland peach
28 Plate of 5 other – must be named
29 Plate of 5 Anjou pears
30 Plate of 5 Bartlett pears
31 Plate of 5 Bose pears
32 Plate of 5 Keiffer pears
33 Plate of 5 Seckel pears
34 Plate of 5 Red Bartlett pears
35 Plate of 5 Claps Favorite pears
36 Plate of 5 other – must be named
37 Plate of 5 Santa Rosa plums
38 Plate of 5 Shiro plums
39 Plate of 5 Stanley Prune plums
40 Plate of 5 Fellenberg plums
41 Plate of 5 other – must be named
42 Plate of 5 apple quinces
43 Plate of 5 Champion quinces
44 Plate of 5 Orange quinces
45 2 bunches of red grapes
46 2 bunches of blue grapes
47 2 bunches of white grapes
48 Plate of 5 persimmons
49 Plate of 5 paw paws
50 1 pint of blackberry
51 1 pint of blueberry
52 1 pint of currant
53 1 pint of elderberry
54 1 pint of gooseberry
55 1 pint of red raspberry
56 1 pint of black raspberry
57 1 pint of strawberry
58 1 pint yellow raspberry
59 Largest single watermelon
60 Midget type watermelon
61 Oblong in shape watermelon
62 Round or oval shape watermelon
63 Other watermelon
SECTION 2 Edible nuts
1. All nuts must have been grown in the fair’s surrounding community within the past year. Ten specimens of each variety entered. Nuts need to be hulled and in shells.
01 American Black Walnuts $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00
02 Butternuts
03 English Walnuts
04 Hazelnuts
05 Heartnuts
06 Hicans
07 Pecans
08 Nat. Amer. Or Chinese Chestnuts
09 Shell Bark, Shag Bark, Hickories
10 Any other named nuts not listed
Nuts – Kernels – 1/2 pound of each variety entered in plastic bag.
11 American Black Walnuts
12 Butternuts
13 Hazelnuts
14 Heartnuts
15 Hicans
16 Pecans
17 Nat. American or Chinese Chestnuts
18 Shell Bark, Hickories
19 English Walnuts
(Refer to general rules)
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
Only baked good items will be accepted on Monday 9:00 to 11:00
1. All products must have been made by the exhibitor. Premiums will not be paid for commercial products.
2. Complete baked goods must be brought to the fair. After judging, the fair may display only a portion of the product for the week.
3. If under other, please list category and description.
4. Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest Rules:
a. Each pie will be judged on the following basis: Overall appearance; crust – color, flavor; and creativity. Creativity is essential to a varied competition. The pie does not have to be the “traditional” two-crust pie, but the pie must include at least 60% apples in the filling. All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
b. The fair will certify the winning apple pie baker and this person will be allowed to enter the state competition at the Pennsylvania State Farm Show. Check at fair office for more details.
SECTION 1 Baked Products
1. To be judged on flavor, lightness, general appearance and crumb.
01 1/2 dozen baking powder biscuits $4.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.00
02 Corn bread, 4 pcs. Approx. 2 1/2 x 3”
03 1/2 dozen muffins
04 Nut bread
05 Fruit bread
06 Scones
Yeast breads – to consist of one rectangular loaf, approx. 4” x 8” x 5”, wrapped in plastic bag. No fork pricks
Yeast breads use yeast. When activated with warm water and a little sugar, yeast (a small organism) grows and expels carbon dioxide. This gives bread its light, fluffy consistency and the air holes you see when you slice open a loaf. It requires time for the dough to rise and develop flavor. Yeast bread, unlike quick bread, also requires some kneading to help the dough come together and develop gluten. Gluten gives bread the right texture and helps it hold its shape.
07 Raisin bread
08 Rye bread
09 Sour Dough
10 White bread
11 Whole wheat bread
12 English muffin bread
Rolls – to consist of six rolls of uniform shape and size wrapped in plastic bag.
13 Cinnamon Rolls
14 Doughnuts
15 White rolls
16 Whole wheat rolls
17 Parkerhouse rolls
18 Basket of fancy yeast rolls to contain at least 3 different shapes
Butter cakes, iced
19 Chocolate
20 Coconut
21 Spice
22 White
23 Yellow
24 Any other kind
25 4 cupcakes, white or chocolate
Egg cakes, not iced
Egg cake is a cake with a high proportion of eggs in the ingredients. While most cake recipes call for eggs as binders in the cake, egg cakes use a large number of eggs, creating a very moist, rich cake with a light texture.
26 Angel food
27 Chocolate Angel Food
28 Chiffon
29 Coconut Chiffon
30 Bundt Cakes
31 Sponge
Pies are to be judged on texture of crust and flavor and consistency of filling.
32 One crust pie, any kind – not cream filling, no custard
33 Two crust pie, any kind
Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest – See above
34 Apple Pie $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00
Candy – 1/2 dozen $4.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.00
Chocolate covered
35 Peanut butter
36 Peanut roll
37 Peanut cluster
38 Caramel
39 Cashew cluster
40 Chocolate fudge
41 Caramel Candy
42 Coconut
43 Divinity fudge
44 Fondant
45 Light fudge
46 Potato Candy
Cookies, 1/2 dozen
47 Bar Cookies
48 Dropped cookies
49 Filled cookies
50 Pressed cookies
51 Rolled cookies
52 Sliced or ice box cookies
Miscellaneous Home Products
53 Butter, 1 pound
54 Cheese, 1/2 pound
55 Homemade soap, 6 pcs
56 Noodles, 1 qt.
57 Potato chips, 1 qt.
58 Popcorn, regular, 1 qt.
59 Popcorn, caramel, 1 qt.
60 Popcorn, seasoned, 1 qt.
61 Salted, nuts, 1/2 pt
62 Salty Snacks, 1/2 pt
63 Sweet Snacks, 1/2 pt
64 Other
65 PA Preferred Jr. Baking Contest Cookies, Brownies and Bars 1. $20.00 2. $15.00 3. $10.00
66 Homemade Chocolate Cake Contest 1. $25.00 2. $20.00 3. $15.00
67 “The Incredible Angel Food Cake” Contest 1. $25.00 2. $15.00 3. $10.00
SECTION 2 Canned or Dried Products
1. Canned fruits and vegetables to be judged on quality, general appearance and container which shall be a standard mason-type, clear glass qt. or pt. Jar sealed with two-piece self-sealing lid (flat disc, and metal screw band) and sealed one piece lid. Screw bands may be used in transportation but must be removed before exhibiting. Food not in standard jars or not sealed with self-sealing lids will be disqualified. Make sure lids and rings are not rusty. Any entry may be opened by Judges if deemed necessary.
Canned Fruits
01 Apples $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25
02 Applesauce
03 Apricots
04 Blackberries
05 Blueberries or huckleberries
06 Cherries, dark with pits
07 Cherries, red, sour, pitted
08 Cherries, red, with pits
09 Cherries, white, with pits
10 Currants
11 Elderberries
12 Grapes
13 Mince (i.e. raisins, apples, etc)
14 Peaches
15 Pears
16 Plums
17 Raspberries, black
18 Raspberries, red
19 Rhubarb
20 Other
21 Best display of canned fruits 3 containers same size $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.25
Canned vegetables – one container $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25
22 Asparagus
23 Beans, green
24 Beans, lima
25 Beans, yellow
26 Beet tops
27 Red Beets
28 Yellow Beets
29 Broccoli
30 Carrots
31 Cauliflower
32 Corn
33 Dandelion
34 Endive
35 Mixed vegetables
36 Peas
37 Potatoes
38 Pumpkin
39 Sauerkraut
40 Spinach
41 Succotash
42 Sweet Potatoes
43 Swiss chard
44 Tomatoes
45 Vegetable soup
46 Horticulture Beans
47 Yams
48 Other
49 Best display of canned vegetables 3 containers same size $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.25
Canned meats – one container $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25
50 Beef
51 Beef tongue (pickled)
52 Chicken
53 Mincemeat (meat)
54 Pork
55 Pork Puddin Meat
56 Sausage
57 Scrapple
58 Sirloin
59 Spareribs
60 Venison
61 Other
62 Display – to consist of 3 containers each having a different kind of meat, same size
$5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.25
Canned Broth $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25
63 Beef
64 Chicken
65 Ham
66 Pork
67 Vegetable
68 Venison
69 Other
Pickles and Relishes – to be judged on size, uniformity, clearness, color and arrangement
70 Beans
71 Beets
72 Cauliflower
73 Chow-Chow
74 Cranberry
75 Cucumber (1 bread & butter)
76 Dill
77 Lime
78 Mixed
79 Mustard
80 Sour
81 Sweet
82 Onions
83 Peppers
84 Piccalilli
85 Other
86 Corn
87 Cucumber
88 Onion
89 Pepper
90 Zucchini
91 Miscellaneous
92 Catsup
93 Chili Sauce
94 Pizza
95 Spaghetti
96 Salsa
97 Barbecue
98 Miscellaneous
Spiced fruits – one container
99 Apples
100 Cantaloupes
101 Cherries
102 Crabapples
103 Peaches
104 Pears
105 Quince
106 Watermelon
Dried fruits and vegetables to be judged on quality and general appearance
107 Apples
108 Corn
109 Peaches
110 Pears
111 Plums
112 Other
Juices – to be judged on flavor, color, clarity
113 Apple
114 Grape
115 Tomato
116 V-8 Juice
117 Other
118 Blackberry
119 Cider
120 Raspberry
121 Other
DEPARTMENT 15 Home & Dairy
SECTION 3 Home-Cured Products
$1.40 $1.30 $1.20 $1.10
01 Bacon-1/2 lb 02 Dried Beef–1/4 lb
03 Jerky 04 Smoked sausage – 1/2 lb
05 Other
06 Smoked shoulder or ham
$3.50 $3 $2.50 $2
SECTION 4 Butters, Honey Spreads, Jams, Jellies, Marmalades and Preserve
1. Entries must be in clear glass sealed with two-piece self-sealing lid (flat disc and metal screw band) with screw band removed before exhibiting. Jars should not be sealed with paraffin. If under other, please list category and description.
$2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00
Butters - Fruit butters are sweet spreads made by cooking fruit pulp with sugar to a thick consistency with a smooth, spreadable texture. Spices may be added.
01 Apple
02 Apricot
03 Cherry
04 Grape
05 Orange
06 Peach
07 Pear
08 Plum
09 Quince
10 Tomato
11 Any other
Honey Spreads
A honey spread is opaque and light tan in color (depending on flavor). They are made by cooking fruit juice or pulp with sugar to the consistency of honey or syrup. They are much thinner than the other spreads
12 Apple
13 Pear
14 Pineapple
15 Quince
16 Any other
A thick, sweet spread made with crushed or chopped fruits. The pieces of fruit are very small. Jams tend to hold their shape but are less firm than jelly.
17 Blackberry
18 Blueberry
19 Cherry
20 Currant
21 Elderberry
22 Peach
23 Plum
24 Raspberry, black
25 Raspberry, red
26 Rhubarb
27 Strawberry
28 Any other
A semitransparent to clear product consisting of the strained juice of various fruits or vegetables, singly or in combination, sweetened, boiled, slowly simmered, and congealed, often with the aid of pectin, gelatin, or a similar substance. It is firm enough to hold its shape when turned out of the jar, but quivers when moved.
29 Apple
30 Blackberry
31 Blueberry
32 Cherry
33 Crabapple
34 Currant
35 Elderberry
36 Gooseberry
37 Grape
38 Huckleberry
39 Peach
40 Plum
41 Quince
42 Raspberry, black
43 Raspberry, red
44 Any other
45 Display of Jelly – 3 varieties
Marmalades are soft fruit jellies containing small pieces of fruit or peel evenly suspended in the transparent jelly. They often contain citrus fruit as in orange marmalade.
46 Apricot
47 Grape
48 Grapefruit
49 Orange
50 Peach
51 Pear
52 Pineapple
53 Plum
54 Quince
55 Tomato, yellow
56 Any other
Preserves and Conserves
57 Apricot
58 Blueberry
59 Cherry
60 Peach
61 Pear
62 Pineapple
63 Plum
64 Quince
65 Strawberry
66 Tomato
67 Any other
68 Cherry
69 Grape
70 Hickory
71 Maple
72 Red Bud
73 Other
SECTION 5 Freeze Dried
(Freeze drying is a low temperature dehydration process that involves freezing the product and lowering pressure thereby removing the ice by going directly from a solid to a gas state without passing through the liquid state.)
1. Entries must be in clear glass sealed with two-piece self-sealing lid (flat disc and metal screw band) with screw band removed before exhibiting or sealed mylar bags. If under other, please list category and description.
Fruits $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00
01 Apples
02 Blueberries
03 Peaches
04 Pears
05 Plums
06 Raspberries
07 Strawberries
08 Other
09 Carrots
10 Corn
11 Peas
12 Celery
13 Onions
14 Potatoes
15 Candy
16 Meats
(Refer to general rules)
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
1. Trees to be exhibited shall be within the five to seven feet height range measuring from the bottom of the handle to the top of the tip.
2. No trees may be exhibited that have been sprayed with or have artificial color or other chemicals added in any manner.
3. No trees may be exhibited with limbs or foliage added that did not grow naturally in place.
4. Trees may be naturally grown or sheared and shaped by exhibitor.
5. No holders should accompany trees. All trees will be supported in like manner
Christmas Trees $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00
01 Austrian Pine
02 Balsam Fir
03 Canaan Fir
04 Concolor Fir
05 Douglas Fir
06 Fraiser
07 Red Pine
08 Scotch Pine
09 Spruce, Blue
10 Spruce, Norway
11 Spruce, White
12 White Pine
13 Other
14 Grand Champion Ribbon
1. Wreaths must have been made by the person whose name appears on the entry form and cannot have been made by contract help.
2. In no case shall one person, family, or farm enter more than three wreaths.
3. Wreaths must be made on a 12” ring, of natural coniferous evergreen material (no princess pine), and the outside diameter must not exceed 24 inches. The weight of the wreath may not exceed 5 pounds. Wreaths may be single- or double-faced.
4. Decorated wreaths must contain a bow and may contain broadleaf evergreens, or dried or other decorative materials and ornaments.
5. Wreaths in the undecorated category should be made with mixed coniferous evergreen; however, we suggest no other materials such as berries or leaves.
Wreaths $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $5.00
01 Undecorated
02 Decorated
03 Creative Unconventional Entry
04 Grand Champion Ribbon
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
1. The use of or displaying of artificial flowers is prohibited and no premiums will be paid.
2. Plants positively will not be accepted for exhibition unless they have been growing in containers for two months.
3. The management will not undertake to return exhibits or be responsible for the return of exhibits. Baskets or containers must be supplied by exhibitor and will be given every possible care but the management assumes no responsibility for their safety.
4. Flowers or plants entered for competition must be more than ordinary standard and quality to be entitled to an award.
5. All entries must be grown by exhibitor except in arrangement classes.
6. Exhibits cannot be removed until 9:30 p.m. Saturday evening or they can be picked up Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
7. If under other, please list category and description.
SECTION 1 Flowering House Plants
African Violets – Any color or bicolor $1.50 $1.40 $1.30 $1.20 $1.00
01 Single
02 Double
03 Other
Wax Begonias, fibrous – rooted, in bloom
04 Single, any color
05 Double, any color
06 Any other variety
Begonias, tuberous – rooted, in bloom
07 Single or semi-double, any color
08 Double, any color
09 Hanging basket variety, any color
10 Geranium, Pelargonium Bedding or Common, any color
11 Any other meritorious flowering house plant not mentioned above
SECTION 2 Floral Exhibits
1. Only one species per pot except in collection class. Pots are not to exceed 10” in diameter or square.
Begonias, foliage type, with or without flowers $1.50 $1.40 $1.30 $1.20 $1.00
01 Large leaf, any variety
02 Small leaf, any variety
03 One pot
04 Several pots
05 Christmas Cactus (cultivars)
06 Cactus garden
07 Common
08 Fancyleaf
09 Small Leaf creeping
10 Fringed type
11 Episcia, any leaf color
12 Other
13 Best Planted Fernery
14 Asparagus
15 Boston
16 Other
Geranium, Pelargonium
17 Ivy, any variety
18 Scented, any variety
19 Variegated foliage
Potted Ivy
20 English
21 Kenilworth
22 Variegated
23 German
24 Grape
25 Dish Garden or Foliage plants consisting of three or more specimens in a container
26 Terrariums or Arrangement in closed container
27 Any other meritorious house plant not mentioned above
28 Variegated
29 Heart Leaf
30 Arrowhead
31 Split Leaf
32 Other
Miscellaneous Plants
33 Palm, any variety
34 Oxalis - Green
35 Oxalis - Red
36 Rhoeo
37 Rubber Plant
38 Rosary Vine
39 Prayer Plant
40 Jade
41 Joseph’s Coat
42 Wandering Jew
43 Succulent
44 Any other not listed above
SECTION 3 Specimen Flowers - Annual
1. Exhibits in this division must be cut flowers grown by exhibitor and must conform to the number of blooms, spikes or stems specified in each class.
2. The uniformity of height, color or size is an important factor in evaluating entries.
3. Flowers in each entry must be of one color and variety unless otherwise stated.
01 Ageratum, 5 stem $1.50 $1.40 $1.30 $1.20 $1.00
02 Aster, 5 blooms
03 Bachelor’s Buttons
04 Calendula, 5 blooms
05 Dusty Miller
06 Crested, 1 stem
07 Plume, 5 stems
08 Cleoma (Spider Flower), 5 stems
09 Cosmos, 5 blooms
10 Cactus, 3 blooms
11 Decorative, 3 blooms
12 Pompom, 3 blooms
13 Single, 3 blooms
Gladiolus, 1 spike
14 Large flowering
15 Small flowering
Marigolds, 5 blooms
16 African, lemon color
17 African, orange
18 French, single
19 French, double
20 Pansy, 5 blooms
21 Other
Petunias, 5 blooms
22 Single
23 Double
24 Rudbeckia
25 Snapdragons (all types), 5 spikes of one color
26 Strawflowers, 5 blooms, mixed colors
27 Colored
28 Miniature – 3 blooms
29 Multi-bloom – 3 blooms
30 Any other Sunflower
31 Giant, 3 blooms
32 Cactus, 3 blooms
33 Pompon, 6 blooms
34 Novelty, 6 blooms
35 Any other annual not listed above
SECTION 4 Specimen Flowers - Perennials
1. Exhibits in this division must be cut flowers grown by the exhibitor and must conform to the number of blooms, spikes or stems specified in each class.
2. The uniformity of height, color or size is an important factor in evaluating entries.
3. Flowers in each entry must be of one color and variety unless otherwise stated.
01 Chrysanthemum -Single or Daisy type, 3 stems $1.50 $1.40 $1.30 $1.20 $1.00
02 Chrysanthemum – Spider, 3 stems
03 Chrysanthemum – Spoon, 3 stems
04 Chrysanthemum – Pompom, 3 stems
05 Anemone Type
06 Delphinium, 1 spike
07 Dianthus (Hardy pink), 5 blooms
08 Hydrangea – 1 bloom
09 Lilies, 1 stalk
10 Sweet Pea, 3 stems
11 Pink Coneflowers – 3 blooms
12 Purple Coneflowers – 3 blooms
13 White Coneflowers – 3 blooms
14 Chinese Lanterns – 3 stems
15 Butterfly Bush
16 Yarrow
17 Scabiosa, 1 stem
18 Other
19 Hybrid tea, 1 flower any color
20 Floribunda, 1 stem
21 Grandiflora, 1 stem
22 Miniature, 1 stem
23 Any other perennial not listed above
SECTION 5 Artistic Arrangements
1. Maximum care will be taken of the containers and accessories until they can be reclaimed by exhibitors but the fair cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss.
2. Must have flowers and/or foliage. No artificial flowers or foliage allowed.
$5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00
01 Arrangement of wildflowers. No plants forbidden by conservation rules should be used.
02 Arrangement using dried materials – wreaths and line arrangements
03 Arrangement in pedestal container
04 Arrangement depicting Pennsylvania history or natural history
05 Arrangement featuring a candle
06 Arrangement using one flower only; foliage and/or accessories permitted
07 Arrangement depicting a holiday or special occasion
08 All white arrangement – foliage permitted
09 Arrangement of foliage – no flowers
10 Arrangement of garden roses
11 Miniature arrangement not to exceed 6” overall
12 Corsage – no artificial flowers allowed.
SECTION 6 Hanging Basket
1. Maximum care will be taken of the containers and accessories until they can be reclaimed by exhibitors, but the fair cannot be responsible for any damage or loss.
2. Exhibits in this division must be grown by the exhibitor.
3. Only one species per pot.
4. Pots are not to exceed 10” in diameter or square.
01 Spider Plants $1.50 $1.40 $1.30 $1.20 $1.00
02 Begonia
03 Petunia
04 Ivy
05 Geranium
06 Wandering Jew
07 Other
(Refer to general rules)
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
1. No article can compete as more than one entry; that is, an article can be judged but once.
2. All clothing must be laundered and ironed.
3. Each exhibit to be judged on workmanship, worth of article, appropriateness of material and design.
4. Only one entry per class per exhibitor will be entered in this department.
5. Items must have been completed by the exhibitor during the past year.
6. All sets, such as slippers, socks, cap and scarf, must be fastened together.
7. Exhibits cannot be removed until 9:30 p.m. Saturday evening or they can be picked up Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Basis for judging household and needlework exhibits:
Plain Sewing – Lingerie or aprons to be judged on
1. Worth of article
2. Materials and trimmings, appropriateness, quality
3. Workmanship – method of construction, choice and execution of stitches.
Dressmaking – Simple house dresses, shirtwaist, skirt, simple school dress for girl to be judge on
1. Material - its appropriateness, quality, color and design
2. Design – simplicity of line, harmony of color, appropriateness
3. Workmanship – method of construction, choice and execution of stitches
Embroidery and Crocheting – Simple designs and edges for trimming to be judged on
1. Worth of article
2. Material – appropriateness and suitability for use for which it was made
3. Workmanship
Knitting – to be judged on
1. Worth of article
2. Workmanship – execution of stitches, perfection
8. If under other, please list category and description.
SECTION 1 Clothing
1. Each exhibit to consist of one garment.
2. Each garment to be judged on materials, color, design, suitability and workmanship.
3. All articles of clothing must have been made since the close of last year’s fair by the exhibitor.
Apron $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50
01 Children’s apron
02 Coverall
03 Fancy apron
04 Half apron
05 Kitchen apron
Children’s garment $4.00 $3.25 $2.50 $1.75
06 Boy’s outfit
07 Coat
08 Girl’s outfit (one to six years)
09 Girl’s outfit (6 to 12 yrs.)
10 Shirt
11 Other
Coat $8.00 $6.50 $5.00 $3.50
12 Blended Fabric
13 Cotton
14 Silk
15 Wool
Dress $4.00 $3.25 $2.50 $1.75
16 Better Cotton dress
17 Cotton Housedress
18 Evening dress
19 Silk or blend fabric dress
20 Synthetic fabric dress
21 Wool dress
Two-piece dress
22 Blend fabric dress
23 Cotton dress
24 Silk dress
25 Wool dress
26 Hats
27 Jacket-any fabric
28 Children’s pajamas
29 Girl’s nightgown
30 Housecoat
31 Ladies nightgown
32 Ladies pajamas
33 Men’s pajamas
34 Other
Mending or repairing (single entry)
35 Any article-hand done mending
36 Any article-machine done mending
37 Any article-renovated or remodeled clothing
Skirts and blouses
38 Cotton blouse with sleeves
39 Cotton blouse, sleeveless
40 Cotton or cotton blend skirt
41 Culottes
42 Man’s shirt
43 Silk or blend blouse w/sleeves
44 Wool or wool blend skirt
45 Slacks-any fabric
46 Other
47 Blend fabric suit
48 Cotton suit
49 Synthetic fabric suit
50 Wool suit
51 Other
Decorated Clothing
52 Embroidered
53 Appliqued
54 Other
56 Ladies
57 Girl’s
58 Men’s
59 Boy’s
60 Clothing modified for special needs
61 General
62 Holiday
63 Seasonal
DEPARTMENT 18 Needlecraft
SECTION 2 Needlework
$4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50
01 Crocheted
02 Knitted
03 Embroidered
Carriage Robe
04 Crocheted
05 Felt
06 Knitted
07 Woven
Centerpieces, under 12”
08 Crochet edge
09 Crochet (solid)
10 Applique
11 Embroidered
12 Cross-stitch
13 Cross-stitch, stamped
14 Cutwork
15 Drawnwork
16 Outline
17 Solid
18 Knitted
19 Solid tatting
20 Tatting edge
21 Woven
Centerpieces, over 12”
22 Crochet edge
23 Crochet (solid)
24 Applique
25 Embroidered work
26 Cross-stitch
27 Cross-stitch, stamped
28 Cutwork
29 Drawnwork
30 Outline
31 Solid
32 Knitted
33 Solid tatting
34 Tatting edge
35 Woven
Cushions and Cushion tops
36 Crewelwork
37 Crochet
38 Embroidered
39 Knitted
40 Needlepoint
41 Novelty
42 Woven
43 Latch Hook
Luncheon cloths
44 Crochet edge
45 Crochet (solid)
46 Applique
47 Embroidered work
48 Cross-stitch
49 Cross-stitch, stamped
50 Cutwork
51 Drawnwork
52 Outline
53 Solid
54 Tatting edge
55 Woven
Luncheon cloth with napkins
56 Crochet edge
57 Crochet (solid)
58 Applique
59 Embroidered work
60 Cross-stitch
61 Cross-stitch, stamped
62 Cutwork
63 Drawnwork
64 Outline
65 Solid
66 Novelty
67 Woven
68 Bracelets
69 Doll clothes
70 Pocketbook
71 Tote bag
72 Toys
73 Pot Holders
74 Other
75 Crewelwork
76 Embroidery
77 Needlepoint
78 Counted Cross-stitch
79 Cross-stitch, stamped
80 Other
81 Crocheted edge
82 Applique
83 Embroidered work
84 Cross-stitch
85 Cross-stitch, stamped
86 Cutwork
87 Drawnwork
88 Outline
89 Solid
90 Crochet edge
91 Crochet (solid)
92 Applique
93 Embroidered work
94 Cross-stitch
95 Cross-stitch, stamped
96 Cut work
97 Drawn work
98 Outline
99 Knitted
100 Solid
101 Tatting edge
102 Other
103 Crochet edge
104 Crochet (solid)
105 Embroidered work
106 Cut work
107 Drawn work
108 Outline
109 Solid
110 Cross stitch
111 Cross-stitch, stamped
112 Tatting edge
113 Woven
114 Crocheted edge
115 Applique
116 Embroidered work
117 Cross stitch
118 Cross-stitch, stamped
119 Cut work
120 Drawn work
121 Outline
122 Solid
123 Painted
124 Tatting edge
125 Woven
Wearing Apparel
126 Crocheted
127 Knitted
128 Crocheted
129 Knitted
130 Crocheted
131 Knitted
132 Crocheted edge
133 Embroidered
134 Hairpin edge
135 Hem stitch
136 Tatting edge
137 Other
Mittens or gloves
138 Adult’s
139 Child’s
Socks, slippers, booties
140 Adult’s
141 Child’s
Stole, shawl, or poncho
142 Crocheted
143 Knitted
144 Crocheted
145 Knitted
Sweater, Cardigan
146 Crocheted
147 Knitted
148 Crocheted
149 Knitted
150 Crocheted
151 Knitted
Sweater, Pullover sleeveless
152 Crocheted
153 Knitted
154 Crocheted
155 Knitted
156 Crocheted
157 Knitted
Sweater, Pullover with sleeves
158 Crocheted
159 Knitted
160 Crocheted
161 Knitted
162 Crocheted
163 Knitted
Sweater, cap and bootie set
164 Crocheted
165 Knitted
166 Crocheted
167 Knitted
168 Crocheted
169 Knitted
170 Crocheted
171 Knitted
Cap and Mittens, set of 3
172 Crocheted
173 Knitted
Scarf and Mittens, set of 3
174 Crocheted
175 Knitted
Machine Knitted Items
176 Scarf or Mittens
177 Cap or Hat
178 Sweater, Vests
179 Dresses, Skirts
180 Afghans
181 Crocheted
182 Knitted
183 Bobbin Lace Making
SECTION 3 Afghans and Quilts
Afghan, small (36’’ x 45’’) $ 4.00 $ 3.50 $ 3.00 $ 2.50
01 crocheted
02 knitted
03 other
Afghan, medium (45’’ x 60’’) $ 7.00 $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 4.00
04 crocheted
05 knitted
06 other
Afghan, large (60’’ and over) $ 10.00 $ 9.00 $ 7.50 $ 6.00
07 crocheted
08 knitted
09 other
Quilts, hand quilted
10 pieced
11 appliqued
12 whole cloth
13 embroidered
14 mixed media
15 novelty
16 Knotted
Miscellaneous hand quilted
17 baby quilt
18 quilted wall hangings
19 small hand quilted items
Quilts, machine quilted
20 pieced
21 appliqued
22 whole cloth
23 embroidered
24 mixed media
25 novelty
PREMIUMS, ALL CLASSES $ 10.00 $ 8.00 $ 6.00 $ 4.00
01 Braided – any fabric
02 Crocheted – any fabric
03 Hooked – any fabric
04 Knitted – any fabric
05 Knotted – any fabric
06 Latch hook
07 Woven – any fabric
08 Other
PREMIUMS, ALL CLASSES $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50
Felted Wool – Needle Felting
01 Pin
02 Candle mat over 12"
03 Candle mat under 12"
04 Wall Hanging
05 Hat
06 Purse
07 Recycled/Repurposed
08 Other
Felted Wool – Machine Felting
09 Pin
10 Candle mat over 12"
11 Candle mat under 12"
12 Wall Hanging
13 Hat
14 Purse
15 Recycled/Repurposed
16 Other
Needle Punch
17 Pin
18 Candle mat over 12"
19 Candle mat under 12"
20 Wall Hanging
21 Hat
22 Purse
23 Recycled/Repurposed
24 Other
Wool Felt Applique
25 Pin
26 Candle mat over 12"
27 Candle mat under 12"
28 Wall Hanging
29 Hat
30 Purse
31 Recycled/Repurposed
32 Rug
33 Other
Wool Apparel (100% wool fabric, home sewn)
34 Coat/Jacket
35 Suit
36 Pants
37 Skirt
38 Vest/Poncho
39 Accessory
40 Other
Wool Apparel – Knitted (100% wool yarn, hand or commercial spun)
41 Sweater
42 Vest
43 Cowl or Scarf
44 Shawl
45 Mittens or Gloves
46 Socks
47 Other
Wool Apparel – Crocheted (100% wool yarn, hand or commercial spun)
48 Sweater
49 Vest
50 Cowl or Scarf
51 Shawl
52 Mittens or Gloves
53 Socks
54 Other
Wool – Weaving (at least 75% wool)
55 Shawl
56 Table Runner
57 Coverlet or Throw
58 Other
SECTION 6 Homespun Yarn
1. Each skein needs to be spun by the entrant alone and wound neatly with the two ends of the skein tied together.
2. Secure a tag on each skein indicating the fiber content.
3. Skeins should be at least 2 ounces and securely tied in 3 places.
PREMIUMS, ALL CLASSES $ 10.00 $ 8.00 $ 6.00 $ 4.00
Skeins, fiber dyed and prepared by spinner (1)
01 Fine singles yarn
02 Medium to thick singles yarn
03 Fine plied yarn
04 Medium plied yarn
05 Thick plied yarn
Skeins, commercially prepared fiber (1)
06 Fine singles yarn
07 Medium to thick singles yarn
08 Fine plied yarn
09 Medium plied yarn
10 Thick plied yarn
11 Handspinners dyed yarn basket – a minimum of one pound of yarn spun in any manner for use in one project displayed in a basket. Include a description of the fiber techniques used to spin the yarn and its intended use.
12 Fulton County Homespun Yarn – Fulton County residents may exhibit one skein of yarn of their choice. Judged on overall quality.
SECTION 1 Paintings
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
1. All work must have been done by the exhibitor.
2. “Original” means not copied.
3. All paintings and photographs must be framed and ready to hang.
4. Only one entry per class per exhibitor will be entered in this section.
5. The artist’s name must be concealed if it appears on the work.
6. Exhibits cannot be removed until 9:30 p.m. Saturday evening or they can be picked up Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
7. If under other, please list category and description.
PREMIUMS, ALL CLASSES $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 4.00 $ 3.00
Oil color
01 Portrait
02 Landscape
03 Wildlife
04 Still Life
05 Abstract
06 Other
07 Portrait
08 Landscape
09 Wildlife
10 Still Life
11 Abstract
12 Other
Pen and Ink drawing
13 Portrait
14 Landscape
15 Wildlife
16 Still Life
17 Abstract
18 Other
19 Portrait
20 Landscape
21 Wildlife
22 Still Life
23 Abstract
24 Other
25 Portrait
26 Landscape
27 Wildlife
28 Still Life
29 Abstract
30 Other
31 Portrait
32 Landscape
33 Wildlife
34 Still Life
35 Abstract
36 Other
Mixed Media
37 Portrait
38 Landscape
39 Wildlife
40 Still Life
41 Abstract
42 Other
43 Portrait
44 Landscape
45 Wildlife
46 Still Life
47 Abstract
48 Other
49 Crayon – any subject
50 Decoupage
51 Pastel
52 Pencil Drawings
53 Painting on fabric
54 Metal Repousse’
55 Collage
56 Scerenschnitte
57 Calligraphy
58 Best of Show Rosette
SECTION 2 Photography
PREMIUMS, ALL CLASSES $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 4.00 $ 3.00
Photograph – black & white
01 Portrait
02 Landscape
03 Wildlife
04 Nighttime
05 Amusing, flowers, other
06 Modified black & white
07 Collage
08 Buildings
09 Livestock
10 Other
11 Portrait
12 Landscape
13 Wildlife
14 Amusing
15 Flowers
16 Collage
17 Buildings
18 Livestock
19 Other
20 Portrait
21 Landscape
22 Wildlife
23 Amusing
24 Flowers
25 Buildings
26 Livestock
27 Other
28 Best of Show Rosette
SECTION 3 Handcrafts
1. This section includes articles made of wax, leather, cone, bead and shell.
2. All exhibits must have been made by the exhibitors – no commercial articles accepted.
3. “Traditional” means authentic reproduction.
4. Ceramic articles should have identification marks to indicate that they are originals.
5. Exhibits cannot be removed until 9:30 p.m. Saturday evening or they can be picked up Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
PREMIUMS, ALL CLASSES $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 4.00 $ 3.00
01 Flat Reed
02 Round Reed
03 Natural
04 Coiling
05 Other
06 Round
07 Shaped
08 Picture
09 Collage
10 Other
11 Bird House, over 12”
12 Bird House, under 12”
13 Bird Feeder, over 12”
14 Bird Feeder, under 12”
15 Holiday
16 Other
17 Batik or tie dye
18 Cast plaster stoneware
19 Centerpieces
20 Ceramic
21 China painting
22 Collage
23 Cone and nut work
24 Creative and traditional dolls
25 Creative Christmas articles
26 Creative or dried flowers
27 Designs in straw work
28 Diamond Art
29 Fabric Art
30 Glass art
31 Hand built or thrown pottery
32 Hand woven pieces
33 Jewelry – hand wrought
34 Leather work
35 Quilling
Building Blocks (ex. Legos)
36 Base plate size – 8x16 studs (approx. 2.5” x 5”)
37 Base plate size – 16 x 16 studs (approx. 5” x 5”)
38 Base plate size – 16 x 32 studs (approx. 5” x 10”)
39 Base plate size – 32 x 32 studs (approx. 10” x 10”)
40 Base plate size – 32 x 64 studs (approx. 10” x 20”)
41 Base plate size – 48 x 48 studs (approx. 15” x 15”)
42 Metal Tooling
43 New furniture
44 Puzzle (framed)
45 Quilling Picture
46 Quilted Picture
47 Scrapbook page
48 Scrollwork
49 Seed Work
50 Stained glass
51 On paper
52 On Fabrics
53 Tempra - Poster Paint
54 Watercolor
55 Other
Tole Painting
56 On metal (coffee pots, utensils, etc)
57 On Wood
58 On Furniture (table, chairs, wooden chests, etc)
59 On Fabric
60 Other
61 Wood carving and whittling
62 Woodcraft – large item – over 12”
63 Woodcraft – small item – under 12”
64 Woodcraft birdhouse
65 Woodcraft clock
66 Woodcraft lawn ornament
67 Woodcraft toy
68 Other
69 Burlap
70 Holiday
71 Live
72 Netting
73 Other
General Rules :This section is for developmentally disabled adults living in Fulton County. Entries in this section cannot be cross entered in other sections in Department 11 unless the class isn’t available in Section 4.
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
Only baked good items will be accepted on Monday 9:00 to 11:00
Decorated Apparel $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00
01 T-shirt
02 Sweat Shirt
03 Other
04 Holiday Decorations
05 Metal
06 Paper
07 Plastic
08 Recycled
09 Seed Work
10 Soft Sculpture
11 Stenciling
12 Leather
Wood Items
13 Stool
14 Napkin Holder
15 Lawn Ornament
16 Cutting Board
17 Cookies
18 No Bake Cookies
19 Microwave Foods
20 Other
Fruits and Vegetables
21 Fruit Basket – home grown – 4 varieties of fruit
22 Vegetable Basket – home grown – 5 varieties of vegetables
23 Embroidery
24 Fringing
25 Plastic Canvas
26 Cross-stitch
27 Apparel
28 Crib or full
29 Pillow
30 Wall Hanging
31 Other
Rugs or Pillows
32 Braided
33 Latch Hook
34 Punch
35 Other
Sewing – hand
36 Apparel
37 Button Sample
38 Useful article
39 Lacing
40 Other
Sewing – machine
41 Apparel
42 Useful article
43 Other
Painted Projects/Folk Art
44 Wooden Project
45 Metal Project
46 Fabric Project
47 Other
48 Ceramic
49 Macramé
50 String Art
Pine Cone Art
51 Wreath
52 Other
Cornhusk Art
53 Wreath
54 Doll
55 Other
(Refer to general rules)
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
1. Major exhibits by organizations should contribute to a better understanding of agriculture or agribusiness, either through their educational value or their promotion of products.
2. A sale of items, in itself, shall not be considered a part of any exhibit.
3. The fair reserves the right to reject an exhibit not in good taste or not of merit in promoting agriculture or agribusiness.
Open $ 50.00 $ 40.00 $ 35.00
01 Agriculture
02 Non-Agriculture
03 Agriculture
04 Non-Agriculture
Judging will be based on the following scoring system:
Use of color, motion, light, figures. While attention-getting is important,
the reaction should be favorable.
Encourages additional study. Personal appeal to the type of viewer
for whom the exhibit was designed.
The message should be understandable to the viewer for whom
the exhibit was intended.
Attractively use the space provided.
Neat, well-constructed for the purpose
SECTION 1 Bees, Honey, and Wax
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 1:00 to 5:00
1. Class 1 is to be judged on uniformity of color, bees, presence of queen, brood honey, cleanliness and appearance of the observation hive.
2. Comb honey is to be judged on perfection in filling, capping, uniformity, neatness, and cleanliness of section.
3. Extracted honey is to be judged on body, clarity and cleanliness.
4. Beeswax is to be judged on color and purity.
01 Bees, any race. One frame observation hive $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.50
Honey Premium all classes $3.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00
02 Light comb, 3 sections
03 Dark comb, 3 sections
04 Light extracted honey, 3 one-pound jars
05 Amber extracted honey, 3 one-pound jars
06 Dark amber extracted honey, 3 one-pound jars
07 Finely crystallized honey, 3 one-pound jars
08 Beeswax, not less than one pound
09 Personal Care Products
10 Collective exhibit of honey, wax, honey products, and bees $8.00 $6.50 $5.00 $3.50
Special Rules:
1. Exhibits are to be authentic to be eligible for competition. No reproductions allowed.
2. All equipment must be in operating condition and should indicate the year it was manufactured, if known.
3. Entries can only be operated at the discretion of the management.
4. Outdoor exhibit space has been provided. Space will be limited to 3 pieces of equipment per exhibitor.
5. Entries receiving prize money the previous year at The Fulton County Fair are only eligible to receive a ribbon the next year.
6. Each exhibitor must secure an exhibitor’s number. Fee is $1.00. No fair passes issued to exhibit.
7. Exhibits will be accepted on Sunday, July 28, between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
8. Exhibits must remain on display until 10:00 pm on Saturday, August 3.
CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd
01 Tractor & Power Units, up to 1941 - General $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
02 Tractor & Power Units, 1942 to 1971 – Restored/Best Appearance $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
03 Tractors & Power Units, 1942 to 1971 – Working $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
04 Lawn and garden tractors, up to 1981 – General $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
05 Miscellaneous Farm/Lawn & Garden Machines $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
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